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OpenWRT Build Notes for HLK-7621

These are the build notes used to build OpenWRT for the HLK-7621.

They're really just based on the excellent documentation provided by OpenWRT, which should be considered the authoritative source.

  • Fresh Debian 12.8 AMD64 install. I ran it as a VM and gave it 8 Cores and 32GB RAM.
  1. Install prerequisites:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install build-essential clang flex bison g++ gawk \
    gcc-multilib g++-multilib gettext git libncurses5-dev libssl-dev \
    python3-setuptools rsync swig unzip zlib1g-dev file wget
  2. Clone the source and pull the current version of the feeds:

    # Download and update the sources
    git clone
    cd openwrt
    git pull
    # Select a specific code revision
    git branch -a
    git tag
    git checkout v23.05.5
    # Update the feeds
    ./scripts/feeds update -a
    ./scripts/feeds install -a
  3. I want to build a matching firmware to current snapshot version for my device. So let's fetch the "official" configuration.

    $ wget -O .config
  4. Deselect the targets we're not interested in. I also used this an opportunity to add some packages I wanted, such as Python3, nano, netatalk, kmod-appletalk, etc.

    make menuconfig

    Then start the build...

    make download # download code and tools
    make -j8 # will take a while!

    On my machine the build took a couple of hours, and included the SDK, etc. This should give us an image that matches the one produced by the OpenWRT image builder. The resulting image is in ./bin/targets.

  5. Use the sysupgrade image to reflash the device. I haven't built a script to set the network config the way I want it, so you'll need to log in and set the IP address manually.

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