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Author: ObsoleteMadness

OpenWRT Build Notes for HLK-7621

These are the build notes used to build OpenWRT for the HLK-7621.

They're really just based on the excellent documentation provided by OpenWRT, which should be considered the authoritative source.

  • Fresh Debian 12.8 AMD64 install. I ran it as a VM and gave it 8 Cores and 32GB RAM.
  1. Install prerequisites:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install build-essential clang flex bison g++ gawk \
    gcc-multilib g++-multilib gettext git libncurses5-dev libssl-dev \
    python3-setuptools rsync swig unzip zlib1g-dev file wget
  2. Clone the source and pull the current version of the feeds:

    # Download and update the sources
    git clone
    cd openwrt
    git pull
    # Select a specific code revision
    git branch -a
    git tag
    git checkout v23.05.5
    # Update the feeds
    ./scripts/feeds update -a
    ./scripts/feeds install -a
  3. I want to build a matching firmware to current snapshot version for my device. So let's fetch the "official" configuration.

    $ wget -O .config
  4. Deselect the targets we're not interested in. I also used this an opportunity to add some packages I wanted, such as Python3, nano, netatalk, kmod-appletalk, etc.

    make menuconfig

    Then start the build...

    make download # download code and tools
    make -j8 # will take a while!

    On my machine the build took a couple of hours, and included the SDK, etc. This should give us an image that matches the one produced by the OpenWRT image builder. The resulting image is in ./bin/targets.

  5. Use the sysupgrade image to reflash the device. I haven't built a script to set the network config the way I want it, so you'll need to log in and set the IP address manually.

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Low Cost Localtalk to Ethernet Bridge (AKA low-end embedded Linux) – Part 2 OpenWRT MIPS

In the previous post I looked at the aims of the project and the shortlisted hardware. This post will explore OpenWRT and bringing it up on the HLK-7621 Evaluation Board.

This is a series of blog posts exploring how embedded Linux works (especially OpenWRT) to build an Apple LocalTalk to Ethernet bridge. This is the second part, in what I plan to be a small series of posts.

The HLK-7621 is built as a router module. It comes pre-installed with what looks like a MediaTek version build of OpenWRT. It is already supported by OpenWRT so the work needed to bring things up is minimal.

I was able to download a pre-compiled Sysupgrade from OpenWRT and "upgrade" the firmware to the current snapshot version OpenWRT out of the box!

By default, OpenWRT will bring up a bridge LAN containing the switch ports and eth0 on It will also run a DHCP server. This is probably not what you want out of the box. To change the interface we'll need to either change our IP, or use the serial console to set the IP address manually.

The evaluation board has a CH340 onboard to provide console access. J4 on the board allows the selection of RX/TX each UART to be connected to the CH340, which is a nice touch. Out of the box it is jumpered to UART0, which is how OpenWRT is configured. All we need to do is plug a micro-USB cable in and we can get console access.

Terra-term bootup

Once in we can set the IP Address of the device. I used We can use uci to configure out IP address and disable DHCP.

uci set network.lan.proto="static"
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=""
uci set network.lan.netmask=""
uci set network.lan.gateway=""
uci set network.lan.dns=""
uci commit network
uci set dhcp.lan.ignore="1"
uci commit dhcp
service network restart

With this we can log SSH into the device, or log in the Luci web-UI.

Time to UART

For my aim of building a LocalTalk adaptor I need to use one of the extra UARTs on the MT7621.

Easy peasy right? I installed a dumb-terminal emulator:

$ apk add picocom

... and ran it:

$ picocom /dev/ttyS1
picocom v3.1

port is        : /dev/ttyS1
flowcontrol    : none
baudrate is    : 9600
parity is      : none
databits are   : 8
stopbits are   : 1
escape is      : C-a
local echo is  : no
noinit is      : no
noreset is     : no
hangup is      : no
nolock is      : no
send_cmd is    : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E
imap is        :
omap is        :
emap is        : crcrlf,delbs,
logfile is     : none
initstring     : none
exit_after is  : not set
exit is        : no

FATAL: failed to add port: Cannot get the device attributes: I/O error

I tried each tty device, just in case it was weirdly mapped with no luck. It was as if the UARTs just weren't there.

Customising the device tree

I checked the datasheet and saw the following page on "Pin Sharing":

MT7621 Datasheet on PinSharing

UART 2 & 3's pins can either be set as a UART or GPIO. But where is it set? Checking OpenWRT's device Tech Data page there's a link to the commit which added support for the board.

The commit had two files: a make file and a DTS file. The DTS file turns out to be a device tree definition file.

A device tree is a data structure that describes the hardware components of an embedded system, allowing the kernel to dynamically configure itself to work with the specific hardware present on a given board. It provides a standardized way to describe hardware, decoupling hardware configuration from the kernel source code.

In this case, the DTS file described the buttons, SPI Flash Layout, labelled the WAN port, configured the switch and PCIE adaptor support. What it didn't show was how the UARTS are configured!

However, the it looks like the device tree can be inherited from other trees. In this case, the MT7621 device tree. Looking through I could see the UART configuration, so why didn't it work?

UART Definitions

I needed to know more about device trees, and stumbled upon this excellent guide to Device Trees by Yasir Khan.

Enabling/disabling a device
To enable/disable a device, the status property inside a devicetree node is used.

To enable a device, it should be set as status = "okay"
To disable a device, it should be set as status = "disabled"

Could it be that simple?

I pulled the code for OpenWRT and followed the build setup and build system instructions.

I then modified the HLK-7621 DTS file and added:

&uartlite2 {
    status = "okay";

&uartlite3 {
    status = "okay";

I rebuilt the image and uploaded the sysupgrade to the device! After resetting the IP address I re-added picocom and tried again.

$ picocom /dev/ttyS1
picocom v3.1

port is        : /dev/ttyS1
flowcontrol    : none
baudrate is    : 9600
parity is      : none
databits are   : 8
stopbits are   : 1
escape is      : C-a
local echo is  : no
noinit is      : no
noreset is     : no
hangup is      : no
nolock is      : no
send_cmd is    : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E
imap is        :
omap is        :
emap is        : crcrlf,delbs,
logfile is     : none
initstring     : none
exit_after is  : not set
exit is        : no

Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
Terminal ready

Success! I jumpered the RX and TX together on the board, and had my text echoed back to me.

One thing I didn't know was whether I could connect at the 1 megabaud needed for TashTalk. The datasheet suggests a maximum baud rate of 345,600 baud.

Only one thing to try:

$ picocom --baud 1000000 /dev/ttyS1
picocom v3.1

port is        : /dev/ttyS1
flowcontrol    : none
baudrate is    : 1000000
parity is      : none
databits are   : 8
stopbits are   : 1
escape is      : C-a
local echo is  : no
noinit is      : no
noreset is     : no
hangup is      : no
nolock is      : no
send_cmd is    : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E
imap is        :
omap is        :
emap is        : crcrlf,delbs,
logfile is     : none
initstring     : none
exit_after is  : not set
exit is        : no

Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
Terminal ready

Success! I also tried connecting UART2 & 3 together and was able to send characters to each other without issue at 1,000,000 buad.

Hooking up TashTalk

The great thing about TashTalk is it's simplicity. It is really just a PIC, an RS485 bus transeiver and a couple of passives.

TashTalk Breadboard.

TashTalk Breadboard connected to the HLK-7621

I grabbed the latest hex file and flashed it on to the PIC with a PikKit (don't forget to set the circuit voltage option!), and put it together on a breadboard. I connected it a Mac Classic and to the UART and CTS pins on the HLK-7621.

I installed Python on to OpenWRT:

$ apk add python3`

and copied over tashtalkd from the Tashtalk repo to /tmp.

I crossed my fingers and ran the code:

$ python3 tashtalkd --device /dev/ttyS1

I ran a LToUTP build of Mini vMac and opened chooser on the Mac Classic.

A Macintosh Classic running System 6 showing Chooser and a mounted share from an emulated System 7 machine. The machine is connected via TashTalk to the emulated Macintosh.

Success! 🎉 The Mac Classic is able to see the emulated System 7 machine running under Windows, via TashTalk running on a HLK-7621.


In this post we:

  1. flashed a device with the latest snapshot of OpenWRT
  2. customised the device tree to enable UART
  3. built and tested a TashTalk

We're not quite building a full bridge yet, but we've validated the hardware and software side can do what we need (at least with this board).

Next Steps

Now that we've got it working on one board, can we get lucky and do the same with the Luckfox Pico Plus?

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Low Cost Localtalk to Ethernet Bridge (AKA low-end embedded Linux) – Part 1 The Hardware

I recently stumbled upon TashTalk, a bitbanged implementation of LocalTalk to UART on a PIC12. I thought it might be fun to try and get a low-cost Linux board with the TashTalk embedded, thus began journey down the rabbit hole of low-cost, Chinese made SBCs.

This is a series of blog posts exploring how embedded Linux works (especially OpenWRT) to build an Apple LocalTalk to Ethernet bridge. This is the first part, in what I plan to be a small series of posts.


The ultimate aim of the project is to build an all-in-one solution for bridging 68K and early PPC Macintosh computers with the modern world. Realistically though, I hope to learn how to build embedded Linux images, cross-compile code, and a bit about u-boot.

From a hardware perspective, I want something that could:

  1. Integrate a Local Talk -> Ethernet Bridge with TashTalk and MultiTalk

  2. Provide NAS-like functionality via USB storage to AppleShare (Netatalk), SMB, FTP and HTTP clients.

  3. Provide ADB device emulation (eg keyboard and mouse) from USB devices, building on ADB-Test-Device.

  4. Provide SCSI device emulation via optional RA-SCSI/PI-SCSI software and hardware support.

  5. Audio-out for CD-ROM emulation (or some other audio thing, eg re-implement the Lacie FM radio!?).

  6. Optional: run off POE so an external power-pack isn't required, drop it in your network and be done.

  7. Be self-contained, turn-key like. No custom config, no external SD card, etc.


The hardware requirements for this solution are not substantial.

  • ~700-1Ghz CPU - likely much slower would be fine.
  • 128-256MB RAM - though 64MB might be fine if we don't use Python.
  • Ethernet (at least 100Mbps - ideally GBE)
  • Ideally inbuilt storage, doesn't have to be huge (~64MB should be enough). SD cards just add extra cost.
  • UART - at least 3: 1 for console, one for LocalTalk, one for ADB - both need to support a 1Mhz rate and have CTS/RTS.
  • [Optiona] USB Host support (USB 2.0 minimum)
  • Ideally enough GPIO/Peripherals to handle a SCSI interface and sound output (~25 PINS)
  • Cost < $10USD - otherwise just use a RaspPi.
  • Availability: not just a fly-by-night TaoBao item


When looking at the items they'll be assessed on:

  1. Availability - how hard is to order a module, is there more than 1 supplier? Can we order the SOC on its own (eg to breakout more IO?).
  2. Software Support - can I bring up OpenWRT quickly? Is it a mainlined Kernel - does OpenWRT support it?
  3. Documentation - can I get the docs, including programming manuals?

These aren't hard and fast rules, but go a long way to getting where I need to go.

Why not the Raspberry PI?

The Raspberry PI is a great product, but I'm deliberately not targeting it. The pricing of PIs is still significant ($45USD, a long way from the $20USD they started at), availability can still be difficult (especially in quantity), and the low-end compute modules and Zero boards don't have any Ethernet capabilities.

The candidates

After looking at a bunch of different items, I narrowed it down to the following:

... and ordered some boards.


I ideally want to use OpenWRT for this project. OpenWRT is already designed for resource constrained environments, has native support for MIPS and ARM (maybe RISCV ?), package management and a Web UI.

It's anticipated that at least a few changes to OpenWRT and custom packages will need to be created to get a workable image. In no particular order:

  • A board definition with whatever bespoke config I end up going with. Will require alternate mode of various devices to enable enough GPIO.
  • Potentially patches to the MT7621 UART config to support a 1Mhz option (while not documented, it looks like the UART register accepts custom clock dividers, so getting to 1Mhz should be doable)
  • Building out MultiTalk as a package (hopefully the Go runtime isn't too big!)
  • Patching Ra/PiSCSI to use different GPIO ports, memory address (looks like this has been virtualised a bit).
  • Building a PiSCSI package
  • Building an ADB keyboard & mouse device

The Boards

Embedded Boards - 
Left to Right:
Luckfox Pico Plus, MilkV Duo in dev-holder, HLK-7621 Dev Board.

Left to Right:

Luckfox Pico Plus, MilkV Duo in dev-holder, HLK-7621 Dev Board.


The HLK-7621 Evaluation Board

Out of the shortlisted options, on paper the HLK-7621 module looks to be the winner. It is supported by OpenWRT, has some very nice features, is available as a module, a decent dev-board and more features than I need.

The HLK-7621 "stamp"

I was able to bring it up quiclky with the pre-built images from OpenWRT. I was also able to modify the board definition files to enable the additional UART and successfully build and flash the image (see next post). Despite the claim of being "UART lite" in the datasheet, CTS/RTS are exposed and I was able to connect at 1Mbps to the UART.

Luckfox Pico Plus

Luckfox Pico Plus
There's a lot to like about the Luckfox board. It has an integarated Ethernet port, built in Flash storage and the series scales up to 256MB of Flash and RAM. The Pico Plus board I ordered is the lowest end part with built-in Ethernet and Flash. It consists of 64MB of RAM and 128MB of Flash.

I was able to Flash it with the pre-built buildroot images from Luckfox, as well as boot Ubuntu 22 from SD Card.

As a dev-target, I think the Pro Max is the better board - 64MB is just too restrictive as a development tool.

Milk-V Duo

Milk V Duo and carrier board

This is an odd series. The entire chipset changes completely as you go up. I bought the lowest end "Duo" which consists of:

  • CVITEK CV1800B SoC
  • 2x RISC V cores, C906@1Ghz + C906@700Mhz
  • 64MB RAM
  • No built in storage
  • Ethernet Phy

Side Note
It looks like there's a "stamp" like module that I wasn't aware of when looking; the Duo-Module-01. This one is $15 USD which is a bit outside the target price range of this project, but might be a good contender for future projects.


Feature HLK-7621 Luckfox Pico Plus Milk-V Duo
SoC Mediatek MT7621A Rockchip RV1103 CVITEK CV1800B
Instruction Set Dual MIPS ARM RISC V
RAM 256MB 64MB 64MB
Storage 32MB 128MB SD
Ethernet 2xGBE / 5 port switch 10/100 Ethernet (built-in) 10/100 Ethernet PHY
UART 3x UART "lite" 4x UART 4x UART
GPIO Lots! "up to" 25 "up to" 25
USB Yes - 1x USB 3 + 1x USB 2.0 or 2x USB 2.0 1 USB-C 2.0 1x USB-C 2.0
Other 3x PCIE Host
Price ~$12USD ~$10USD ~$9USD

Of interest, both the Luckfox Pico and DuoV boards have the same form factor as the Raspberry PI Pico.
Luckfox Pico Plus, MilkV Duo and a Raspberry PI Pico. Each share the same form factor.


Building OpenWRT and/or Linux for each of these devices, enabling the UART and getting TashTalk up and running.

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Adding HDMI to a Kramer VP-724XL Video Scaler

I picked up a used Kramer VP-724XL Video Switcher some time ago for ~$20. While I'm sure it's not the quality of modern scalers, it's faily versitile, featuring Composite, S-Video, Component, VGA and DVI inputs. It will scale all the inputs to a user specified resolution, but only out over VGA - that's what I'd like to fix.

Kramer VP724XL

While there is probably a way to intercept the digital signal from the scaler and convert it to DVI or HDMI, I'm going to do this the lazy way.

This blob is really for my own documentation so I don't forget, but maybe someone else might find it useful!


I'm provide links, as they will be out-of-date quickly.

  1. VGA to HDMI Adaptor
    Low-cost VGA to HDMI
    I'm using a cheap VGA to HDMI. These adaptors < $5 from AliExpress (just make sure the direction is the right way). The adaptors essientially consist of a high-speed ADC and will output whatever source resolution is provided. They won't do any scaling on their own.

  2. HDMI Panel Mount
    15cm-1m HDTV-compatibl-Extension Cable Male To Female Gold Plated With Screw Panel Mount Extended Short Cable For HD TV LCD Lapt
    This is a low cost "15-cm-1m HDTV-compatibl-Extension Cable" - basically a 15cm Female HDMI with a panel mount, to a male HDMI cable.

  3. 3.5mm Cable - I just used an old one and cut it half, otherwise the VGA adpaptor should include one

  4. Micro-USB cable - one should come with the adaptor


  1. Install the HDMI Adaptor in place of one of the VGA Outputs. It doesn't matter which one. Simply unscrew the existing VGA port, and screw the HDMI adaptor in it's place.
    HDMI Adaptor Installed

  2. Unscrew the audio board, and solder the 3.5mm audio leads to the line-out pins on the audio board. Don't forget to double-check the pin out on the cable.
    3.5mm lead soldered to the audio output pins

  3. The power-supply seems to give 3.3v, ~7v, and 12v. I wasn't able to find a header with the appropriate voltages. There's a few regulators though that convert the 7v to 5v. On the DAC board, solder the USB cable power-leads to the Taping 5V from a regulator on the DAC Board

  4. Connect to the original VGA lead, 3.5MM audio jack and micro-USB cable to the VGA to HDMI Adaptor. Connector the HDMI adaptor to the HDMI jac installed in step one.

That's really it! I'll likely apply some double-sided tape or similar to secure the converter.

While I could have soldered directly to the adaptor, this configuration gives the option of swapping it out in the future if I so please.

What else?

I haven't really explored hacking this device too much. It seems to largely be some dedicated video ASICS combined with plenty of FPGA/CPLDs.
There is a full serial protocol that might be useful (especially if I expose it via Bluetooth).

All the Kramer support files available as of 2024-05-19 are included below. Most of these are relevant to the VP-719xl, VP-720xl, VP-724xl as well.

Download Kramer VP724XL Files

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Mounting OnTrack Volumes in Windows

I use an old dynamic drive overlay tool called OnTrack to get around a 504MB drive-size BIOS limit on older machines. It works well enough for Dos and early versions of Windows. However, if you go try to mount the volume on another machine, it will appear to have no valid partitions!

SD Adaptor inside a laptop

OnTrack appears to put the original MBR at around sector 63, with the partition boot record (PBR) offset at sector 63 from there. This is quite different to a regular MS-DOS Drive layout - and this is caused by the customer loader OnTrack users to replace the BIOS routines.

On-Track starting up

To mount these volumes on Windows, we need a way to mount at an offset of 126 sectors (or 126 * 512 Sector Size = 64,512 bytes).

Fortunately, there is a utility that can do this: ImDisk.

ImDisk is an open-source virtual disk driver with many features, including RAM Disk and other support.

To mount my OnTrack volume using ImDisk, I need to know the physical disk # in Windows.

  1. Open an admin command prompt
  2. Run diskpart and view disk to get a list of disks. Note the 8GB disk is my SD Card, and it is Disk 2

    DISKPART> list disk
    Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
    --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
    Disk 0    Online          476 GB  1024 KB        *
    Disk 1    Online          476 GB      0 B        *
    Disk 2    Online         7580 MB    10 MB
  3. Exit diskpart.

Mounting the volume

  1. Open an admin command prompt
  2. Run the following command:
    imdisk -a -f \\.\physicaldrive2 -b 64512 -o ro -m x:

The volume is now mounted as X: Drive.

If it's not, double-double check your drive path and byte offset.

What is this doing?

  • -a - tells imdisk to attach a virtual disk
  • -f - specifies the file. In this case, we're using the Windows NT Physical drive path.
  • \\.physicaldrive2 - note this correseponds with disk 2 from diskpart.
  • -b 64512 tells it use use an offset, in this case our sector offset (63 + 63 * 512) for the start of the first partition.
  • -o ro - option of mounting as readonly. If you're unsure you've got the right drive and/or offset, make sure this option is set.
  • -m x: - mounts the drive as X:

Making it writeable

You'll need to unmount the disk (imdisk -D -m X:) and re-run the above command, without -o -ro.

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Archiving Old Books

Looking through the bookshelf, it appears I have a few titles which at least the Internet Archive doesn't have.

I've enjoyed the use of books and magazines others have scanned and uploaded online, so I thought it only prudent I do the same. My printer has an ADF, so figured I'd give it a go!


Unless you want to be scanning individual pages on a flatbed, or with some kind of camera set up, you'll need to prepare your books. Essientially, this involves cutting or removing the spine of the books.
This is clearly a destructive process, so may not be one everyone would like to do.

There's lots of advice that can be found online on how to do this. I didn't want to spend a lot of time or money for this step.

Ready to Scan

Instead, I went down my local Officeworks which has a service for this. For $1 a book, they'll use their fancy guillotine to cut and remove the spine. I suspect on thicker books it might need to be sliced a couple of times to be able to fit (I was advised they could do up to 250 80gsm pages at a time!).


I'm lucky enough to have an MFC at home with an automatic document feede (a Konica Minolta Bizhub C35).

Scanner goes brrr

Scanner goes brr

I used the built-in "Windows Fax and Scan" application to connect to the scanner via WIA, and scanned directly to TIFF at 600 DPI. Note that the documents I'm using were all black-and-white, so used black-and-white mode to scan.

Preparing the PDF

I couldn't find a good free option for this. Instead, I used Foxit PDF Editor to convert from the scanned TIF image to PDF. It does deskewing and OCR for me which is really handy.

I made sure to fix up the page numbers in the PDF to match the pages in the books (it's a pet hate of mine when PDFs don't do this), and add some missing meta-data.


I've only done two so far and it's been reasonably smooth. Lessons so far:

  • For glued spined books, make sure you flip through every page and ensure each page is free. It'll save having to rescan pages which went through all at once.

  • don't like the output from Foxit PDF. I had to run it through PDFTK to make Internet Archive happy :/

Uploads so far

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PictSharp Updated

Get it from Github

I recently returned to a project I first started in 2017, PictSharp.

PictSharp is a C# native library for encoding bitmap images to to Apple's legacy PICT Format. I originally started it for the GopherServer project, as I wanted a way to convert modern images for old Macs which did not depend on external applications (both on the server and the client).

I revisted it to add support for .NET Core, but in the process ended up implementing support for 1-8bpp support, non-power of two image sizes, support for ImageSharp, as well as learning how GitHub actions work and publishing my first (public) nuget package!

While I suspect the number of people who want to create PICT images in 2022 is fairly small, it may assist those who want to learn about legacy formats or need to support older systems and formats (eg RTF which supports MacPict as one of the original v1 image formats).


  • Implemented entirely in C# code. No native dependencies.
  • Supports .NET Framework 4.6.1+, .NET Core 3.1 and runtimes compatible with .NET Standard 2.0
  • Writes PICT 2.0 Images (so should work on a Mac II onwards with Color QuickDraw)
  • Supports 1bpp, 2bpp, 4bpp, 8bpp and 32bpp image encoding, with PackBits compression
  • Extensions available for ImageSharp and System.Drawing.Bitmap

What's still to be done?

Really just 16bpp support, but it'll probably be another 5 years until I get around to it. 16bpp is supported in PICT, but uses a different compression method to PackBits. Instead of working on individual bytes, 16bpp images are compressed by word (2 byte values).

  • More compression options (disabling compression, JPEG, etc)
  • A decoder
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Gopher Clients Archive

I've started a Github repository to archive old Gopher Clients for various clients. As old websites are "upgraded" and taken offline, or old FTP servers get switched off, it's becoming more difficult to find these old clients.

Go check it out:

Pull requests which add more clients, archives of old FTP sites or descriptions and screenshots are very welcome.

I have some leave coming up and hope to revisit my old C# Gopher Server project. Plans include:

  • Port to .NET 6.0
  • Docker support
  • Better configuration and DI
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MStar Datasheets

Scart to HDMI
A common example of the SCART to HDMI adaptors found on Aliexpress, eBay, etc

I've previously blogged about Chinese SCART adaptors. These are very low cost adaptors which convert RGB SCART to HDMI, with two main variations based on their board labels: SCART+HD2 HDMI 2014/12/23 and SHD1000 V1.

In the comments, readers identified that the main IC driving these is the MST6M182 (specifically mst6m182xst-z1). After much searching online and a hint from reader mmuman I managed to track down the datasheet or at least one close enough.

MST6m182VG Datasheet
The Mstar MST6m182VG Datasheet - link to Github

Of note to retro-gaming and retro-computing enthusiasts will be the registers for de-interlacing, including options to disable it entirely (USR_INTLAC). I'm keen to hook-up a micro and start fiddling with registers, as I suspect these could be a very good low-cost option if adequate control of the images was possible

In addition, I've created a source repository to collect these datasheets. It's available at If you have any further datasheets, please submit a pull request, as I'd be happy to put them up on that repo.